Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Clinking Glasses: Wine Juice and More

I don't drink much alcohol but do enjoy wine with dinner and an extremely occasional cocktail. When we eat as a family, or with friends we almost always clink glasses and make a toast, no matter how small. So since Izzy was old enough to hold up his sippy cup, he has been clinking his glass along with us.

Whenever he saw us drinking wine he would request some in a glass. So whether at home, or in restaurants, he would get his own wine glass with water and a pinky dropful of wine splashed in. We called it "Wine juice." He delighted in joining us for a toast.

Tonight, when we were at Mama Mexico in Englewood Cliffs, the grown-ups ordered cocktails. He was given a cup of water with a lid and straw. When Grandpa Joe and Grandma Laurie went to make a toast Izzy said forlornly, " I only have water in my cup." It was as if the water wasn't toast-worthy. So we explained that any beverage would be fine for toasting and he seemed satisfied. Though I must say, it saddened me and I wondered if he needed his own virgin mojito.. Maybe next time.

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