Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Simple Comfort Food (Part II)

Despite Izzy's continuing fever, he awoke demanding food. "I want breakfast in bed." There has to be some compensation for being home sick, right.. "What would you like?" I asked. "I would like some toast with butter and jam. And a glass of orange juice...please."

Lucky for us, while Izzy was still asleep, his papa went out and bought a sourdough baguette from GO. I went down to prepare it and I brought it up on a tray with the butter dish and a jar of T.J's organic raspberry jam. Yum.. what a simple, delightful breakfast. We sat on the bed and I slathered the bread with butter and jam. Then the phone rang..well one phone call later..I was left with a bed full of crumbs and nothing to eat. At least the boy was left feeling a bit better.

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