Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Beware The Rotten Mango

How it is that a fruit can go from silky divine sweetness to toxic-tasting paint thinner is beyond me.

The foul-tasting culprit was a Champagne Mango from Haiti. Yes it seemed a bit over-ripe when I tested it but figured we could salvage part of it for dessert. When I cut down the first side, Izzy immediately noted how the juice ran out rather quickly. but I carried on, hoping for at least a few decent bites. We each tried a bite from and declared it too mushy. The second side was a different story. Since my nose is semi-blocked from allergies, I didn't instantly detect the odor so Izzy and I each popped a forkful in our mouths, only to simultaneously spit it out.

Izzy declared, "That tastes like toxic paint." And I felt as if I had swallowed a chemical cocktail. I have to wonder what caused it to do so.. Any insights?

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