Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Saturday, August 15, 2009

After A Long Day In The Sun

A cucumber eye treatment was in order.

Izzy spent 8 hours in the sun, far more than I knew was sensible. What I thought would be a few hours at low tide, turned into a long, hot day. Nothing could tear Izzy away. I had slathered him in sun block but had omitted his eye area ( note to self: stinging eyes are better than burnt ones).

I was similarly afflicted; left with burnt knees and other random spots. There was no aloe available at the local grocery so we had to improvise. Cucumbers seemed like a soothing alternative. Clearly, Izzy took his treatment quite seriously.

Sunburn or no, Izzy had worked up quite an appetite for dinner, which was served on the deck, with a lovely view of the beach.

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