Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Saturday, August 8, 2009

On Our Way To Long Beach Island: 2009

The drive down to Long Beach Island with our friends L., T. and kids is always an adventure. There was the usual stop at Emery's, the organic blueberry farm but there was also something new. Weeks before, they had discovered a chocolate factory, promising chocolate-dipped fresh fruits. I certainly couldn't resist a stop there, at David Bradley, Chocolatier.

There we ogled all manner of American type chocolates of the butter cream/butter crunch ilk. Samples of chocolate-covered popcorn and fruits were in abundance.

The chocolate-covered blueberries were something to try and the kids got a kick out of tasting whatever was offered. Stuffed with sweets, we piled back into the car and continued on our way.

Our first dinner at the shore was on the deck of my dad's new house, replete with a gorgeous view of the ocean. We had a feast of seafood from M&M's and Ship Bottom Shellfish. The table was laden with lobsters, mussels, clams, chowder, clam strips and more.

Izzy needed to eat everything and discovered a new favorite, king crab legs. As he slurped those down, along with clams, mussels and more, his friend S. looked on in amazement. She couldn't believe that he would eat any of the stuff. I think all she ate was a few french fries and a clam strip or two.

Stay-tuned for more shore food and adventures...

1 comment:

Bean's Mum said...

Have a wonderful time! Go, Emery's!