Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Vestige Of My CSA: Sweet Dumpling Squash

The final CSA delivery of the season arrived during the last week of October. Long ago as that may seem, today I unearthed two remaining squashes in the back of my fridge. Sadly one ( a beautiful butternut) was long past its prime and had to be tossed but the other, a Sweet Dumpling, was still firm and perky-looking. I didn't want it to become another victim of procrastination so I took immediate action.

I cut it in quarters and and slathered it with maple syrup and some excellent butter. I roasted it at @400 for about an hour. It was silky sweet and had a warm mapley aroma which filled our house. Izzy and I ate the whole thing. Here's looking forward to finding some more squash at the greenmarket, if there are any.

1 comment:

Carla said...

I had mine (along with a few pumpkins and a gourd) on my table and since I am moving this weekend it was transferred to the fridge! this might be the first thing to see the inside of my new oven..... sounds delish!