Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Our Annual Sickness: A Steady Diet Of Takeout

Oh yes. It's that time of year again, when Izzy and I are both stricken with some awful boogery illness. An illness that effects appetite, energy and more. Last year's version was especially virulent and this year's isn't looking so mild either.

Sick since Saturday, I have resorted to takeout on three occasions, which is enough to have me longing for something homemade, while still too sick to do much of anything about it.

So far we've had Chinese Soup, Japanese Soup and Vietnamese Soup. One night I managed to muster up enough energy to cook the Facebook Soup, but the resultant dishes left me wishing that I hadn't made the effort. The other nights we had leftovers and I now I am stuck wondering what we are going to eat as the flu continues to compromise my energies and appetite. Izzy was sick and feverish too but only for a day and a half. Clearly he is far more resilient and I can bet he is wondering when I plan to cook something for us again.

Too sick to shop. Too tired to cook. Not to mention visiting my darling sweet Grandpa in the hospital and the weekend food outlooks is looking bleak. Here's hoping I'll feel perkier soon.

1 comment:

Bean's Mum said...

Feel better. We will check in after the weekend for a full report.