Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Snack Wires Crossed: Unraveling the snack mysteries

The problem with email is it cannot convey tone or nuance, so when I received a message from T., the mom of one of Izzy's friends, I got the impression that when Izzy had a playdate at their house, chips would be on the menu.

The message said,

"Isadore can have his snack here if you like but it will definitely not be as healthy as yours."

Visions of chips, Rainbow Goldfish and other junk foods danced in my head so I replied to the message saying that Izzy would probably stop home first and have a small snack before heading on over to their house. And that is exactly what we did.

When we arrived at their lovely apartment I was more than pleasantly surprised to see the table set with slices of homemade banana bread. T. told me she had also prepared an apple crisp which was cooling on the stove. What a Mama! And she has another job too!

I told T. of how I completely misread her message. Next time we are invited back, we will most certainly go with an appetite!

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