Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Farmers In The City: Catalpa Ridge CSA

How did I forget to mention that this past Tuesday was the inaugural delivery of our first CSA shares of the year. This is my third year hosting the Hamilton Park group for Catalpa Ridge Farm and it promises to be a fantastic one.

Farmer Rich and his wife, sometime Farmer Sue were both on hand which is rare, for this delivery. We each received a bag brimming with Swiss chard, garlic curls, fragrant mint, lettuce, radishes and sweet onions. I can't wait to see what else the season brings.

Farmer Rich was kind enough to have a look at my tiny garden and dispense with tidbits of advice. I hope I have his luck with my tomatoes!

1 comment:

Joseph Bayot said...

Mmm I just sautéed the garlic greens with a little bit of salt and pepper. Absolutely delicious. Looking forward to next week's bag.