Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Nigella Speaks...

And my friend R. and I stopped in at Tea and Sympathy beforehand, to fortify ourselves with full English breakfasts so as not to be drooling at all her talk of rich food. For those of you who aren't familiar with full English breakfasts, they consist of eggs, toast, bacon, sausage and often beans and of course tea. An absolutely filling way to start the day

Nigella Lawson's talk was another in the New York City Wine and Food Festival Times Talk series. We were in the second row so we had an excellent vantage point at which to view her quite bosomy, voluptuous body..

The focus of the talk was simply to showcase her passion for food, both cooking and eating it.

The highlight of the event was the audience question segment. One participant asked about what a perfect day of eating would include for her.

She said that she never begins her day without two mugs of tea and she then needs to wait an hour before breakfast. Her perfect breakfast was a piece of wholemeal toast with good butter and an Italian soft-boiled egg (why Italian is what I want to know. Wouldn't any fresh egg do?). This would then be followed by a lunch of linguine with clam sauce (with not a speck of tomato) and then a dessert of zabaglione, chosen in the interests of keeping the meal light! Dinner would be a roast chicken with some type of fried potatoes (I can't remember) and also some rare steak. Chocolate pot de creme for dessert. There may have been another item but whatever it is now escapes me. Were there any vegetables included? It may be my memory failing but I'd have to say I don't think so.

Nothing earth-shattering here, just a few hours spent in the presence of this lovely personality who has the good fortune to have made such a successful career out of eating, cooking and writing about it.

p.s She signed my food-stained copy of Nigella Bites ( with love..).
I asked her how she managed not to eat everything she baked and she said, by never depriving herself of anything. Why doesn't that trick work for me. I certainly don't deprive myself but have still been known to eat one scone too many.


Anonymous said...

With the chicken she wanted roast potatoes, mashed potatoes and...frites? Not sure about the last one, but there were definitely three potato preparations! -r

Izzy's Mama said...

I'm glad you still have a memory..I only recalled one!! And I was taking notes!!