Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Monday, June 4, 2007

Lamb Burgers: Perfectly Pink

I had one package of ground lamb left from my 3-Corner Field Farm shopping spree in March, before they left the market to tend the newborns. I used it tonight because I believe they will be back at Union Square this week or next. At least I hope they will.

I decided to make simple Lamb Burgers, just salt, pepper and a sprinkling of parsley. I accidentally slow-cooked them but they came out perfectly pink and juicy. They had only a mild lamb flavor and I think I could have unwittingly served them to lamb naysayers without incident. I might try to pull the wool over someone next time I grill.
I served the burgers on a round Italian loaf from Pecarrara's, with peas and sauteed potatoes on the side. Izzy surely enjoyed his, dripping with juice, as did I. Lamb, the new beef?

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