Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Meyer Lemons Called: Cupcakes Answered

I have been intrigued by the idea of the Meyer lemon for a few years now as they keep cropping up in cookbooks and magazines. I imagined its sweet-tartness in all manner of baked goods as well as in Amanda Hesser's recipe for Linguine with Meyer Lemon Zest etc, which has been tucked away in the back of my mind since I read Cooking For Mr. Latte.

So when I saw the bin of Meyer lemons calling to me at Whole Foods yesterday, I popped several in a bag and brought them home. They really are gorgeous to behold and if nothing else, would make a lovely centerpiece (which just so happens to be a suggestion here).

Instead I elected to use them for Meyer Lemon Cupcakes. Izzy had a baking playdate with his friend I. and we made these, minus the blueberries. They are moist and lush, the frosting oozing over the edge.

The Meyer lemon enjoys a short season so the next time you see them, pick some up for you surely can find something to do with them.


Anonymous said...

Oh my lord those look good. Lemon cakes are my absolute favorite in the whole entire world! I'll have to tuck this away for a rainy day (if only I didn't have to shuffle off to work now, that would be today) *sigh*

Izzy's Mama said...

Ann: They were a hit! I would definitely make them again.

Anonymous said...

this looks like food porn

Izzy's Mama said...

JM: Shall I take that as a compliment?

Anonymous said...

food porn is good. ;)