Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hard To Believe But...

I shop at Shoprite... Granted it is not my supermarket of choice but it is a five minute walk from my house and if you are without a car, as I am, that means a lot.

I share this with you because this afternoon,, while wandering the aisles of Shoprite with Izzy, I bumped into a woman I know from exercise class. She was genuinely shocked to find me grocery shopping there, knowing what she does of my blog and food obsession.

Indeed I am maniacal about grocery shopping, trekking to the city at least once a week for my fix of Union Square, Whole Foods and Trader Joe's. On those trips I stock up on local produce, cheeses, meats and items not found at an ordinary supermarket. No matter how much I want to buy, there is only so much my granny cart will carry so I inevitably need to shop for staples closer to home.

Shoprite sure is close and as I have pointed out before, it does have a decent organic section which has grown over the few years that we have lived here.

They carry many organic staples which allows me to reduce my granny cart load from nyc. I count on my weekly excursion to Shoprite for things like bananas, milk, canned goods, pasta and other odds and ends.

So next time you find yourself at Shoprite, don't be surprised if you bump into me, just rest assured, I'm not buying any meat there.

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