Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Granny Cart Expert

I have been using granny carts for years and do consider myself somewhat of an expert on the subject. So when my friend S. complained of a sore back from lugging groceries home from the city, I offered to help her purchase a granny cart, just like mine. After all, my granny cart woes of last year ended when I purchased my trusty blue metal cart which has served me well.

We took the Path to 14th Street and headed for the hole in the wall shop where I have purchased a few carts. Surprise! It wasn't there. So we continued along to the second hole in the wall between 5th and 6th where I thought we might have better luck. I immediately spied a red metal cart that I thought would do, but upon further inspection I realized it was too wide and wouldn't fit through the Path turnstiles. The salesman tried to insist that it was a fine specimen. I shook my head no, as did my friend, who was deferring to me.

I don't know if I said it, or she did but someone said that I was a granny cart expert and at that very moment, as I wiggled my blue cart, one wheel popped off, right before our eyes!

Ah the irony of it all. So now we were both granny cartless, with high hopes of carting home loads of food from the market. We continued to walk towards Union Square, wondering where we would find granny carts in the neighborhood. We interviewed a couple of grannies along the way. The first one said hers was old and had no idea where it came from. The second one, inside Whole Foods, told us that she bought hers at Zabar's ages ago and that we should "Google It"...which somehow seemed awfully funny coming from a frail gray-haired woman who reminded me of my grandma (and my grandma had trouble wrapping her head around the concept of a tape recorder).

By then it was too late to travel for a new granny cart so we both just used our bags and tried not to purchase too much. Which leaves us..Desperately Seeking New Granny Carts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since you didn't show a picture, I'm not certain just what you mean.

However two wheeled grocery or laundry carts were in just about every hardware store in NY City when I lived there.