Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My Granny Cart Fell Apart... I've Got The Food Schlepping Blues

The day before Thanksgiving, my trusty blue metal granny cart, finally gave out. It was done in by the 15 lb. turkey plus at least 15 lbs. of other ingredients. I had bought it for Izzy so that he could accompany me to the supermarket but I discovered that it was perfect for sliding through subway turnstiles so I borrowed it for my weekly jaunts.

Monday's mission was to purchase a new granny cart. I wanted a cute plaid one like I used to have ages ago. So I bought the only one they had on 14th Street. It wasn't exactly what I had in mind but for twenty bucks it would do the trick. Off to the market I went, stuffing the cart to the brim. It wasn't as easy to navigate as my old one and then, as I bumped it down the Path train steps, one wheel popped off. Just what I needed, to be saddled with a cart stuffed with at least 30 lbs. of groceries and one wheel, not to mention my purse and two extraneous shopping bags. Yet somehow, some way, I dragged everything home, disgruntled all the way.

I unpacked the sad-looking cart and parked it in my vestibule, wondering as to its fate (garbage night or return?).
Today I carried it back to the shop and they were quite willing to give me a different model. I really just wanted another blue metal one but all they had to offer was a sporty model which is truly not my style. But what is a girl to do? I needed it right then and there to get my 8 lbs. of brisket and 10 lbs. of potatoes home. So I bought it. I stuffed it and guess what happened??

The Path train steps did it in as well. As I bumped it down the steps I heard a funny sound and saw a piece of cart hanging off. I am not quite sure what it is, sort of a fender. This minor mishap did not prevent me from getting everything home but I am beginning to feel granny cart cursed.

I have no idea where to get a snappy, sturdy granny cart but I do need one desperately. Any city readers have any ideas for me? I think I bought my city one at Zabar's and I just may have to get myself over there soon.

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