Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Thanksgiving Shopping At The G-Market??

Union Square Greenmarket Saturday. I know. Pure shopping foolishness once again. But I had to do it and with Izzy as my sidekick. I had no choice. Monday I will be stuck home awaiting the dishwasher repair..the very idea of preparing this entire Thanksgiving meal and washing all of the dishes is abhorrent.

So my only option was shop today and Wednesday with a little local stuff thrown in and hope to have it all together. I dread Wednesday, when I drag Izzy and the 15 lb. turkey plus all of my missing ingredients home together, with granny cart. That ought to be interesting. But I digress. Back to today's story...

We made our usual rounds, stopping by to see the sheep lady who had her holiday dip on hand. It is a spreadable, dippable cheese which is one easy no-brainer appetizer. Picked up some other essentials and as we were on our way to the playground I was approached by a woman with a camera.

She wanted to know if I would be willing to answer a few yes or no questions. Now tell me.. Do I have a sign on me that reads, "Pick me. I am a nervous, babbling wreck?" Why am I always the target? In any event, I assumed the questions were food related and was happy to oblige.

The young woman appeared harmless enough and for once I didn't feel that I looked my worst. She handed me a small mike, pointed her camera at me and asked: "Do you believe the G-spot exists?" With Izzy at my feet, she then inquired, "Have you found your G-Spot?" I burst out laughing, answered and she then proceeded with a couple of other questions. I continued to giggle until the interview was complete. At the end she said, "I would interview your son but he is a minor."

Never mind interviewing him. Didn't she have a clue that he would soon be interviewing me. "Mama, what is a G-spot?" Hmmm... If you have any clever ideas for an appropriate reply, do let me know!


Anonymous said...

you are a magnet

Bean's Mum said...

You should tell Izzy that the G-spot means Greenmarket. It's THE spot.

Anonymous said...

G-wiz. Maybe it was a study comparing the g-responses of greenmarket shoppers to those of supermarket shoppers. I'd love to see the results. D.

Izzy's Mama said...

jm:If only the attraction were to some other things..

bean's mum: That's a good one.

D: The results would be skewed. I was so flustered I gave out false information.