Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spice Boy: Definitely His Father's Son

A peek inside Izzy's lunch bag and I can see he is his father's son. As I have mentioned, A. douses all of my delectable meals with hot sauce of one kind or another. More recently, Izzy has taken to adding extra chili oil to his tofu, and I approve since I like a bit of that on my tofu too.

This morning when I told him he was having our leftover tofu for lunch, he asked if he could bring the spice bottle with him. I guess I didn't realize what a crucial component it was to his meal. His teachers must certainly have been amused when he asked them to shake some on his food.

What's next? A stash of hot pepper flakes and a spice bottle to match every food?

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