Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Three Cheers For The SAHB

Stay-at-home-birthday. We attended a small birthday gathering for one of Izzy's friends today. It was simple and to the point, presents, cupcakes, candies and best of all, playing with friends.

It was an ultra-small group but unlike the frenzy of Izzy's party, the kids there were really able to play with one another. And the parents were able to chat calmly, host included.

The party-goers dug dirt in the yard, ate some cupcakes (decorated by themselves with all manner of evil candies*) and then were off to play stomp rocket in the park..A fine time was had by all the four-year olds and the party,was proof that indeed, one needn't not spend $500 and up to celebrate.

*Note: I had never before encountered the "candy-coated" Hershey's Kiss. It is like a Kiss and M&M combined..keep those away from me. I will mindlessly eat them, even though I don't like them..arghhhhh

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