Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Farmers' Market Tidbit: Zurich

Izzy's papa, still abroad, sends us this news from Zurich where he visited a Farmers' Market.

"I got some very perfect strawberries for 2 francs. It really makes the Union Square market look like Sanford & Son. Local producers offer samples of olive oil in tiny glasses. Cheese goes on for miles. There is a section devoted to regional chickens - rotisserie available."

My response:

1. I will always love Union Square. Let's not compare apples and oranges.
2. Next time send a photo.
3. A section of regional chickens??? Incredible, maybe I can meet you there on your next visit for a chicken tasting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Izzy's Mama - I am not discontinuing my blog, just moving. I'm glad you found me. Sorry to see that we're so close geographically and now I'm moving. I'll be posting again soon (I came here to let you know in case you don't check back at my place). Strawberries in Zurich sound awesome.
