Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Brussels Birthday: Izzy's Papa Reports

Keep in mind that while Izzy and I are eating at home, Papa is often off in foreign locales, forgetting to eat or not eating well. His one night spent in Brussels happened to also be his birthday. I had hoped that he would have a decent meal. I booked him a hotel which turned out to be the quirky spot I imagined. When A. arrived there, he sent this message.

I wish I could work here rather than all the crappy places I get stuck with. I'm taking myself our to the corner cafe for some dinner. I ordered without even looking at the menu.

Frisee aux Lardons

Agneau a point avec pommes dauphinoise

The waitress brought the menu & I said, "Non merci. Je suis prêt." (No thanks, I am ready.)

I seriously have not eaten in days. No dinner last night, a not so good pain au chocolat for breakfast. No lunch at all. Now its 8:56 pm and I'm going to have whatever I want. I don't care if it isn't on the menu. I looked at the specials, but nothing I wanted there.

The waitress asked the cook to come take my order. When I requested agneau he made a little fist and said "au point!". Of course I said "Mais oui". "Et pour buvez,.. Bordeaux?". "Mais oui encore". "Trrèèsss bon".

Let's hope its good. Though I'm going to eat it even if it isn't.Bordeaux is Haute Médoc 2004, grand vin de B. I'm loving it.

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