Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Monday, July 2, 2007

A Day In Florence, A Descent Into Lollipop Hell And Other Tales

I decided to take Izzy to Florence one day, which meant a bus ride through winding hills. I decided a lollipop might be in order since I thought they somehow aid in alleviating carsickness. Since that lollipop, the whining hasn't abated. Every time we see a lollipop a request is made. MAKE IT STOP...

But back to Florence...we arrived at lunchtime but although I had lived there for a short spell many moons ago, I hadn't a clue as to where to eat. So we ended up eating some mediocre panini on our way to the Piazza Santa Spirito which was the neighborhood in which I lived back then.

Once in semi-familiar territory, we hung out by the fountain while Izzy whined for gelato. I was and am more than happy to indulge that request so we found some right on the piazza. After that interlude, we made our way over to the Palazzo Pitti (I couldn't deal with the Uffizi..too many crowds etc.).

Izzy was content to search for some "People with wings" and we found some and then left. We wandered the Boboli Gardens and then found our way back to the bus. It was a long day for the boy, especially since we went without our stroller.

Our adventure was neither a food or cultural bonanza so I decided one day there was enough. Izzy seemed to have more fun in Greve, wandering and playing with some new friends who he misses already.

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