Izzy (and Mama) Eat: The Gourmand Grows up...

Tales of Empty Nesting ...The Next Chapter

Monday, July 2, 2007

The Scent Of A Wild Boar?

Izzy and I spend our days wandering the tiny piazza Matteoti. As we poke about the local food shops, we make all manner of little discoveries. Yesterday we came across what could only be called ‘the wild boar shop’.. At Macelleria Falorno they sell boar meat, pig meat and all manner of porcine delectables. Where does this wild boar come from? How could they possibly hunt enough of it in the nearby hills to produce the huge amounts that seemed available..that is another story to ponder. In any case, the aroma upon entering is overwhelmingly boarish, though not in an unpleasant way if you go in for eating pig in all guises.

Proscuitto legs hang by the dozens, some with hoofs attached and there are bins of salamis in a variety of flavors. Sausages and beef are also available. You will also encounter pre-sliced meats to grab for an on the go picnic.
We brought home a small salami, bread and cheese for a quick supper since Izzy was still drooping from jet lag and it was just the two of us for dinner.

The following evening, we made our rounds of the piazza for the umpteenth time when most of the shops had already closed up. As we passed the Macelleria, Izzy yelled out, "I smell wild boar, Mama!" How odd I thought and then I looked over and watched as he stood by their open door, inhaling the pungent aroma. I don't suppose he will encounter that odor in the near future but I wonder if it has created a scent memory for him.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I have a photo of myself standing next to this very same boar!